Brook Street Chapel

Farewell Service Alex & Jean – Sunday 31 July 2022

Alex took his last Service at the Chapel on Sunday 31st July.  There was a special pop-up choir who sang during the service. Alex and Jean were presented with an album containing photos and messages from many Chapel members and a gift from the Wednesday Friendship Group.  Minister Jean was also presented with some flowers. […]

Farewell Message from Minister Alex

Dear Friends, I am finding it difficult to find the words for this letter. My last service at Brook Street will be on 31st July, and shortly after that, Jean and I will be moving to Wales. It seems hard to believe that I first came to Knutsford 24 years ago! Someone who was there […]

Chapel Stall at Lions Fair 3 June 2022

The Chapel set up a stall at the Knutsford Lions Jubilee Fair on the Heath on Bank Holiday Friday 3rd June and raised £240 for Chapel funds.  The event formed part of the Knutsford celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Brook Street Chapel have regularly attended the Lions annual fairs ever since they started as […]

Puppet Show 5 December 2021

A special puppet show was included as part of our Chapel Family Service on Sunday 5th December – thanks to imaginative and creative preparation work by Hattie and Vanessa. The Show followed the Nativity Story with a number of backdrops and an impressive selection of specially made hand puppets – see pictures below. A number […]