Brook Street Chapel

Heritage Open Days 6-8 September

The national theme for 2024 was “Routes – Networks – Connections” and we took part again this year with displays on a local theme of “Knutsford, the Railway and Elizabeth Gaskell“. The displays in the Chapel illustrated how the railway changed Knutsford and how Elizabeth Gaskell responded in her novels to the changes brought about […]

Christmas Events 2023

CHRISTMAS FAIR 18 NOVEMBER We held a very successful Christmas Fair in the Hall again.  Thanks to all those who supported in various ways. A special attraction this year was a visit from our own Father Christmas, who entertained a large number of children in his finely decorated gazebo grotto on the stage in the Hall […]

Family/Harvest Festival Service 1 October

Our student minister Francis Elliot-Wright led the Family/Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 1st October – encouraging everyone to appreciate all the people who work to provide us with our food and to think about those less fortunate than ourselves. Paula and Dave dressed as scarecrows Suzie and Stu, providing entertainment for both children and adults […]

Events in May 2023

<As part of the Coronation celebrations we held a Coronation Buffet in the Chapel Hall after the service on Sunday 7 May.  Members and Friends enjoyed a fine spread of food, kindly provided by Chapel members, and  a chance for a chat! On Bank Holiday Monday 29 May > Chapel members brought a stall to […]

Carol Service Sunday 18 December

The Chapel was full!!  “Our Carol Service on 18 December was something we are all proud of” said Maurice who conducted the service.  Many Chapel members were involved in the event and we received some lovely comments from various people – some of which are listed below. “My mother was a member of the Chapel […]

Christmas Events 2022

Christmas Fair Saturday 19 November Our Christmas Fair was back this year for the first time in 3 years!  Thanks to everyone who donated gifts and helped with the stalls.  The cakes and mulled wine were delicious and we managed to raise over £700.         Family/Toy Service Sunday 4 December We had […]

Chapel Stall at Lions Fair 3 June 2022

The Chapel set up a stall at the Knutsford Lions Jubilee Fair on the Heath on Bank Holiday Friday 3rd June and raised £240 for Chapel funds.  The event formed part of the Knutsford celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Brook Street Chapel have regularly attended the Lions annual fairs ever since they started as […]

Puppet Show 5 December 2021

A special puppet show was included as part of our Chapel Family Service on Sunday 5th December – thanks to imaginative and creative preparation work by Hattie and Vanessa. The Show followed the Nativity Story with a number of backdrops and an impressive selection of specially made hand puppets – see pictures below. A number […]

Heritage Week Events at Brook Street Chapel 2021

Heritage Week Events at Brook Street Chapel 2021 National Heritage Week, with the theme for 2021 of Heritage and Food, gave us an opportunity to attract new visitors to our seventeenth century, Grade 1 listed building and gardens.  People visited from America, Japan, Europe and many parts of the UK in addition to Knutsford folk […]